My Magical Bearded Friend
My Magical Bearded Friend is a mysterious figure who appears at dusk and vanishes with the sunrise. Readers are invited to wonder: Is he real or just a trick of the eye? Is he tall, or merely the shadow of buildings at twilight? Does his perfume fill the air, or is it the scent of flowers on the breeze? Is he colorful and sparkling, or simply the reflection of the rising sun? You decide! Parents and children alike will enjoy reading about My Magical Bearded Friend over and over again.

Testimonial from the author
Working with Patricia has been a dream and an absolute delight from start to finish. She totally understood the brief and took it to places I couldn't have even imagined. She kept me in the loop at all times and was extremely enthusiastic all through the project. I would work with her again in a heartbeat. Thanks Patsy!!
Chris Husband, My Magical Bearded Friend Co
A Giraffe Named Monroe
 When Stork learns a baby will soon arrive, he and Cat seek out the perfect welcome gift. Off they go across the globe, searching high and low for just the right present. Their hunt takes them to the tallest peaks and the deepest seas, but no matter how far they travel, what they're looking for eludes them. But persistence and courage can take anyone the extra mile, and together they travel to the top of the world, holding out hope that the baby's present awaits them there.

Testimonial from the author
Patricia did outstanding illustrations and it was wonderful to work with her. She brought ideas and amazing talent.
Sara Church, Author
Felicity’s First Flight
Felicity the butterfly didn’t have the easiest start in life. But when she discovers an egg, she takes on the challenge of giving it the best chance to thrive. Along the journey, Felicity learns to care for herself too. Through vibrant illustrations and a heartwarming story, Felicity’s First Flight shows that no matter where we come from, we all have the power to grow and the potential to soar.
Testimonial from the author
Patricia is an incredibly talented illustrator as well as collaborator. She encouraged me and empowered me as the author the whole way and always made me feel I was in the drivers seat. Most of all, I value Patricia because she was able to make my vision come to life more beautifully than I ever could.
Megan Moneypenny, Moneypenny Gals
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